Top 10 Medium Dokha Tobaccos
There is a lot of confusion around which of the top 10 medium Dokha tobaccos are the best, the strongest or who the top 10 medium Dokha suppliers are in the market?
Here we take a brief look at all of those questions:
Firstly, back in 2012 the team at Enjoy Dokha travelled extensively in the Middle East to see how Dokha tobacco is grown, cultivated, harvested and bottled. After some considerable deliberation, we set out to procure the Dokhas we considered to be the best in the market. We not only visited the most reliable and renowned suppliers in Dubai, but also the local farms stretching from Ras al Khaimah and Fujairah in the UAE to Abu Dhabi and Oman. It was only then that we we could satisfy ourselves that we were bringing quality Dokha tobacco to our customers around the world.
When comparing Western tobaccos with Middle Eastern tobaccos the comparison is stark. Western tobaccos have lots of additives added to the basic tobacco product – even down to the paper the tobacco is housed in contains bleach! Middle Eastern tobacco (Dokha), on the other hand, is grown naturally in the mountainous regions where the nights are cool and the days are hot and sunny.. The irrigation channels are filled with fresh water and the small tobacco plantations are tended by farmers who have farmed their patches in the same way for generations, with nothing added to the tobacco and nothing taken away – just the pure natural, organic tobacco plant thereby retaining its natural colouration and flavour for our customers to savour.
The basic Midwakh (Medwakh) used in the smoking of Dokha tobacco is also a very intriguing implement – dating back to the 1400s the Medwakh pipes were simply hand carved pieces of wood. Nowadays they have become so much more sophisticated and can virtually be made from any sturdy material. The design and manufacture of the Medwakh has become an art in itself. Some Medwakh pipes can be designed utilising gold/silver leaf and precious stones – needless to say Enjoy Dokha don’t have any Medwakh pipes at this level in their range but we can get them made if you should be lucky enough to win the lottery!
Enjoy Dokha Recommended Medium Dokha Tobacco
Assuming you are not a beginner to smoking Dokha, there are a number of quality medium blends that we are happy to recommend. These Medium tobaccos are not fire cured but dried in the arid desert region where they originate from. It is finely ground in a timely manner to preserve the tobacco’s strength and freshness, and bottled in air tight, tamper proof bottles to ensure safe delivery of the final product.
Enjoy Dokha Blue 500, Gold 500 & Silver 500
Discover the Enjoy Dokha 500 range today – the greatest trio of blends. Experience finely blended Dokha tobacco that is hand picked from seasonally selected crops. Dokha Tobacco leaves from only the most reputed Dokha tobacco fields located in the mountains surrounding Fujairah, UAE are used in the Enjoy Dokha 500 range. This range is 100% Dokha tobacco and is completely additive and chemical free. Three special blends that all hover around the Medium strength mark for the best flavours and buzz.
Enjoy Dokha Medium Gold ( ED Gold )
Our own ED Gold (Enjoy Dokha Medium) offers the user a rewarding head rush while enjoying an exceptionally smooth smoke. This blend is a pure and original premium Arabic tobacco blend having been procured direct from the farms in the UAE. There are three options available when purchasing this product: 25ml / 9gram, 50ml / 14gram or the large 250ml / 70gram which is broken down into 5 x 50ml / 14gram bottles for convenience and ease of carriage, but more importantly to keep the tobacco fresh.
Enjoy Dokha Premium Maya
Enjoy Dokha Premium Maya Dokha is procured by us from local farms in Oman. This famously finely chopped and over-warm Dokha is smooth on your throat and that’s one of the reasons it’s so popular with our customers who tell us that they also enjoy the ‘buzz’…. with its origins in Abu Dhabi in the UAE is a blend direct from the local farms. A completely natural Dokha that’s hung up to dry in the desert heat, keeping to the traditional methods of curing the Dokha tobacco and retaining its natural colour and flavour. Hanging the Dokha to dry in its natural state also ensures that the tips of the leaves are saturated with nicotine to enhance the smoking experience.
Yousef Rida Blue 50, Gold 50 & Silver 50
Yousef Rida 50 range – some of the best Dokha blends from this famous Dokha supplier in Dubai. If you are a frequent traveler to Dubai you may have already visited Yousef Redha’s shop. High levels of quality control have gone into every stage of the production of these classic Dubai blend. Our simple strategy – we won’t stock it if our customers don’t love it and to date since we started stocking YR 50 range back in early 2018 our customers feedback has been great.
Yousef Rida Mister
Yousef Rida (Redha) Mister is one of those classic, timeless Dokha blends that customers ask for time after time. Our customers tell us that the ‘buzz’ is good and that’s why they are reluctant to change -once a Mister smoker, always a Mister smoker!
Scorpion Gold
Scorpion Gold Dokha Arabic tobacco offers the user a rewarding head rush whilst enjoying an exceptional smoke! It has a strong flavour and offers a powerful stimulating smoking experience. Scorpion Gold Dokha comes with a seal on the Dokha pot which ensures that you are getting the genuine product. This seal ensures that the aroma and freshness lasts longer too.
Rabsha Gold
Rabsha Gold Dokha Dokha tobacco is as authentic as it gets and comes from Al Satwa, Jumeirah. Whilst not the largest brand in the UAE, they have a reputation for quality with a kick ass ‘buzz’ – you asked for it and we listened… The leaves used in the production of Rabsha Gold Dokha are shredded so the tobacco burns evenly and pulls a full hit through your Medwakh pipe. This ‘Medium’ Dokha blend will reward you with a milder inhale, hold it for a couple of seconds, and after slowly breathing out enjoy the strong buzz that follows…
Sultan, Felisa & G55 Dokha – Local Dubai Blends supplied by Enjoy Dokha
Sultan which Enjoy Dokha introduced in 2019 to our vast range of Dokha tobaccos is gaining in popularity since its introduction. Our customers smoke Dokha for a true smoking experience, something the Sultan Dokha blend certainly delivers every time. This blend is considered a medium warm Dokha and packs a good ‘buzzzzzzzz’! Felisa is another premium blend which we source from Abu Dhabi. Felisa is a medium strong blend with a tasty long lasting ‘buzz’. G55, very famous for a reason – offers great flavour, warm inhale and exhale, and a very nice and sustained buzz. Recommended for the everyday Dokha smoker.
Fadayee Premium 1, 2 & 3 Dokha pipe tobacco
Fadayee Premium Dokha is a Premium range made up from all the top leaves of the tobacco plant which are grown in direct sunlight. Fadayee Premium 3 Dokha is cut finely and it so burns very smoothly which leaves you with a pleasant and strong authentic buzz. All the Fadayee Dokha pipe tobaccos are hand blended in the farms by Abu Mohammed. This special process has been perfected over the last few decades, the result a refined taste and experience. It is very gentle on your throat and will feel light and smooth whilst smoking.
Max Time Yellow / Max Time Gold Dokha
Max Time Arabic pipe tobacco is a famous underground name in the heart of the United Arab Emirates. Max Time are not the biggest tobacconist out there, however, they strive for quality rather than mass producing inferior products – something that has not gone unnoticed in the Dokha world. Max Time Gold 50 Dokha offers a smooth over warm smoke with a lovely sustained buzz on the exhale. Unlike some other trio blends, Max Time has 4 pipe tobaccos in their range featuring two medium strengths. If you like a lighter medium, you can choose the ‘Yellow’ blend shown below which is similar in flavour to the Gold but a little smoother. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback! Exclusively available from Enjoy Dokha.
Trex Dokha by Bin Khumery
Trex Dokha is a range developed by the famous Bin Khumery. They have two blends in particular that fit very well in our Top Medium Dokha tobaccos list. Trex X0 and Trex X2 are medium Dokha blends with a good kicking buzz. The Bin Khumery Trex XO blend is considered cold to medium and is a finely chopped Dokha made from the top leaves – light medium on the throat with a long lasting buzz. Trex XT is a solid medium strength profile made from a mix of the middle and top leaves to pack a punch when inhaled. Enjoy Dokha hold 5 different strengths of their TREX brand so there is bound to be one that will suit your smoking requirements.
In summary, there are a lot of Medium Dokha tobaccos that you can choose from, but in our experience it is best to try a few and see what you prefer most. There is nothing wrong with having a couple of different bottles in your collection and alternate between them for your morning buzz.
Thanks for your support and enjoy!