Enjoy Dokha

Rabsha Gold and Red Dokha

July 21, 2021

Rabsha Gold and Red Dokha are taking off like a rocket in popularity with our customers when it comes to smoking Dokha pipe tobacco in their Medwakh pipe….

Enjoy Dokha have two seriously good Dokha blends from this small Dokha supplier based in Dubai – big doesn’t always mean best…Rabsha Gold and Rabsha Red are becoming very popular with our customers, especially those who are willing to try different blends.  Of course some people will only ever stick to the blend that they know – just like cigarette smokers – once you find a blend that you like you stick with it for life in some instances..

As purveyors of fine Arabic pipe tobacco, Enjoy Dokha went in search of the very best growers throughout the Middle East and Rabsha was one of those names which kept coming up in conversation.  Our development team took themselves off to check out who Rabsha were and their growing and production methods to ensure that if we partnered with them our customers could be assured that the blends we chose would not disappoint…

Just a few lines about the qualities of these two Dokha blends… the leaves used in the production of these two blends are shredded in such a way that the tobacco burns evenly and pulls a full hit through to your Medwakh pipe.

Rabsha Gold is classed as a Medium Dokha blend which will reward you with a milder inhale and a strong buzz… of course the ‘buzz’ experience does depend on how often you smoke.

This Dokha blend is suitable for either the beginner or the regular Arabic pipe tobacco smoker.  Available in a 13gram pre-packaged bottle (no samples available of this blend unfortunately).

Rabsha Red, on the other hand, is classed as a Hot Dokha blend and unless you are used to smoking a ‘kick ass’ Dokha blend like this, then we would recommend that you look for something less stimulating in the first instance – definitely not recommended for beginners or even regular smokers – this blend is for the serious, serious Arabic pipe tobacco smoker!  Beginners, and even fairly regular smokers will find that this blend is a little too harsh on the back of their throat – smoking pipe tobacco should be for pleasure and leisure in equal measure, so why put yourself through spluttering a ‘hit’ of extremely hot Dokha and not enjoying it one little bit…

If either Rabsha Red or Rabsha Gold are to your liking, but you would still like to experience other blends, then Enjoy Dokha can do no better than recommend the small list below of both Medium blends and Hot blends to explore…

Some recommended Medium blends:

Mister – considered over-warm Medium, this premium blend is not too harsh on the throat with satisfying buzz.  Three bottle sizes available for this blend.

Maya – also a premium Medium blend, smooth on the throat with a good buzz.  Available in three bottle sizes.

ED Gold – one of our best sellers for consistency of flavour and buzz – a great staple for everyday use – again available in three bottle sizes.

Fadayee Gold 2 – The name Fadayee should be enough as this iconic brand comes from the stable of Abu Mohammed – basically their reputation precedes them…

Fadayee Premium 1 or 2 – great allrounders for everyday use.  Fadayee Dokha generally comes in pre-packaged, airtight 13 gram bottles.

Hot Dokha blends to explore…

ED Red – Enjoy Dokha’s Red blend is a serious contender for ‘best in show’ when it comes to Hot Dokha blends. Definitely not for the feint hearted and should NOT be used by beginners.  Available in three bottle sizes.  Just because the words surrounding this product suggests that ED Red is very strong, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the flavour is any stronger than a Light or Medium blend, but it will be more harsh on the back of your throat and therefore should only be used by experienced Dokha smokers for that reason…..

Achilles is another superb Hot Dokha which can be easily mixed with a good Medium blend to make an over-warm blend, but once again we must emphasise that this blend is not suitable for beginners.

VOD – probably stands for very odd dokha, because it has been described as like ‘smoking the sun’ – so you have been warned – there are few who would venture that far….maybe Jeff Bezos or Richard Branson!

Explore the possibilities for pleasure or leisure in equal measure with Rabsha Gold and Rabsha Red…


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