Enjoy Dokha

Dokha Pipe Tobacco Perfection

July 26, 2021

Dokha pipe tobacco perfection simply put, is pipe tobacco that burns smoothly, is not too harsh on the back of your throat and that leaves you with a pleasurable sensation all over when smoked….

As a provider of high quality Arabic pipe tobacco, Enjoy Dokha has taken all the hard work out of finding blends with a seal of quality.  If you are already a customer of Enjoy Dokha you will know that we work closely with a number of iconic Dokha supplies in Dubai and throughout the Middle East such as Bin Khumery, Abu Mohammed and Yousef Rida, to name just a few…

What is Dokha pipe tobacco?

Enjoy Dokha’s pipe tobacco, colloquially known as Dokha, is a natural and pure air-dried Arabic tobacco, extremely popular throughout the Middle East.  The smoking of Dokha dates back to around the 14th Century, when it was smoked by Shepherds tending their flock in the mountainous regions of Iran…

There are subtle differences between the way Dokha Arabic pipe tobacco is cultivated and harvested and western pipe tobaccos.  Dokha is usually grown in the mountainous regions of the UAE, with manually maintained irrigation systems running between the plants.  These irrigation channels, which only use fresh water, are tended by local farmers.  The plants are grown organically, so there are no additives or chemicals added to the tobacco during either the growing or production processes – nothing added and nothing taken away, except the stalks!

The origins of its distinctive taste lies in the way it is grown, harvested and eventually bottled in air tight bottles to maintain the green/brown colouration and freshness of the tobacco.  Bottling the freshly shredded leaves of the tobacco plants as quickly as possible after harvesting and drying ensures that the taste and colouration is not lost in the process.  Nature just does its stuff, and the tobacco is not tampered with in any way.  When harvested, it’s simply hung up to dry on wooden battens in barn like structures and left to dry naturally in the desert air. Harvesting and hanging the plants up to dry at just the right time ensures that all of the natural sugars and the nicotine content are preserved in the tips of the leaves. Once the leaves have fully dried the large stalks are removed, and the leaves are then finely ground and blended in a timely manner by farmers who have generations of expert knowledge in the blending of the various strengths that we have all come to know and cherish…The simple methods used in caring for the tobacco plants by these knowledgeable farmers, coupled with the dry arid conditions of the UAE deserts, enhances the overall flavour of the Dokha tobacco.

Research suggests that people who exclusively smoke Dokha Arabic pipe tobacco actually smoke less than people who smoke cigarettes, for example.  The whole experience of lighting up your Medwakh tobacco pipe at a leisurely pace, and less often than you would light up a cigarette, is something that our customers tell us is what smoking Dokha is all about…the other example our customers have given us is that you only need a pinch of tobacco in the small bowl of your Medwakh, so you can have a hit very quickly, whereas when smoking a cigarette you have to smoke perhaps for 5 minutes or so or waste half the cigarette – that could prove very costly…

You might well ask what is a Medwakh tobacco pipe?

There appears to be two spellings for this simple smoking implement – Medwakh and Midwakh – lost in translation perhaps… for the purposes of this post we will use the term ‘Medwakh’ . Medwakh pipes look and feel completely different to western smoking pipes.  Medwakh pipes were traditionally made from animal bone such as Ox Horn or Deer Horn and various varieties of wood.  Nowadays Medwakh pipe makers are experimenting with other materials such as resins and aluminium.  There are thousands of artisans carving a name for themselves in the production of unique Medwakh pieces in many countries from the UAE to India…

Although there are no hard and fast rules as to what constitutes a Medwakh tobacco pipe, it suffices to say that the style of a Medwakh is very distinctive.  Basically a Medwakh pipe has a much smaller bowl than their western equivalent.  The stem of the pipe is straight, and is usually supported by a filter on the end, helping to reduce the possibility of the inhalation of bits of tobacco and other potentially harmful particles from entering your mouth.

Some Medwakh pipes’ bowls and stems are lined with base metal to help with the flow of smoke and can enable easier cleaning.  Medwakh tobacco pipes are handcrafted, allowing for individual creativity and style in the manufacturing process.  The dimensions and stylising can vary from artisan to artisan, and also the cost…

If you’re looking for perfection in your next smoke – trust that Enjoy Dokha has a blend to ‘fizzle’ your senses…


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