Enjoy Dokha

Cheaper Alternative to Cigarettes


Looking for a cheaper alternative to cigarettes?

When looking for a cheaper alternative to cigarettes you may not have heard the term ‘Dokha’ in relation to tobacco before, so we have produced this in-depth Guide to help explain both the term and the history of Dokha.  This Guide also offers an insight into the paraphernalia required should you be intrigued to know more about this unique way of smoking tobacco.  We explain where and how Dokha is grown, its proliferation worldwide and if you are looking for a cheaper alternative to cigarettes why we suggest you should consider trying Dokha.

What is Dokha and Dokha Heritage?

Dokha tobacco, also known as Arabic tobacco, remains an important part of UAE culture and heritage, with a rich history dating back centuries.

Initially, when Dokha was acknowledged by the wealthiest in UAE society as a relaxing leisure-time experience, its use proliferated quickly, as the smoking of Dokha tobacco was also considered a symbol of hospitality and generosity to be shared amongst friends and family during social gatherings.

Over time, as the locals became more aware of Dokha and its rich heritage, and they themselves became wealthier and could afford to partake of more leisure pursuits, the smoking of Dokha began to spread and be enjoyed by people of varying backgrounds.

Nowadays, Dokha Arabic tobacco can be found in most countries around the world as it has become a staple for Arabs travelling abroad.  Just as we in the West would light up a cigarette, Arabs would light up and smoke a bowlful of Dokha.

So that’s one very good reason to experience the UAE Heritage of smoking Dokha for pleasure and leisure for yourself.

History of Dokha Arabic tobacco

The first documented evidence of tobacco leaves being smoked in a small, hand carved wooden pipe dates back to the 1400s when Shepherds in the mountains of northern Iran smoked this tender leaf tobacco while tending their herds. The tobacco was  grown for recreational and perceived  medicinal use.  No-one knows exactly where the word ‘Dokha’ came from, however, it’s a very apt name as it is believed that the word Dokha roughly translated into English means ‘dizzy’.  Smokers of this tobacco (Dokha) speak highly of the ‘buzz’ associated with smoking it – the buzz being the ‘dizzy’ sensation you get when smoking this traditional Arabic tobacco, especially for the first time.

Although Dokha has its roots in Persian culture, today it is smoked all over the world – sailors brought it to the Middle East and the Middle East brought it to the rest of the world.  Dokha used to be the preserve of royalty, saving the best quality Dokha for themselves, however nowadays the common man can get hold of these premium Dokha products simply by purchasing them from Enjoy Dokha wherever they are in the world.

Where Dokha tobacco is sewn and grown

Dokha Arabic tobacco is grown at high altitude in the mountainous regions of the UAE and Iran allowing the tobacco plants to benefit from the cool of the evenings and intense daytime sunlight with minimal rainfall. Because the growing conditions are so beneficial to the Dokha tobacco plants, the farmers can often get more than one yield per year.  This is especially helpful in lifting the small holding farmers out of poverty.  Most local farmers do grow other crops such as mango, oranges and date palms.  They also have bee hives from which they collect honey.

Crops are generally grown in tiny subplots called yelba that measure around two to three metres each. This method of cultivation allows the artisan growers to easily spot if there is any potential risk of pests or disease amongst the plants.  Once fully dried the leaves are stripped from the stalks and sorted into ‘top leaves’, ‘middle leaves’ and ‘bottom leaves’ as the different strengths of Dokha depend on where the leaves have been picked from the plant.  Before it is ground in a timely manner and ready for bottling and onward sale across the world, customers can be assured that nothing is added or taken away from this pure tobacco.  There are no harsh chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides used on the land – only fresh water to irrigate the plants during the heat of the day to stop the plants from wilting.

Tending to the tobacco plants is undertaken by small holding farmers, whose knowledge and expertise in the sewing, growing and harvesting of these precious plants is passed down from generation to generation.  They ensure that the water supply is sustainably channelled and that there is no pest infestation of the plants.

The process of harvesting and curing Dokha tobacco is a time-consuming and labour-intensive process. The seeds are laid in December and the tobacco leaves re traditionally harvested around August time.  Once the plants have matured, the farmers strip the plants of their leaves, grade them and then hang them up to dry in barn-like structures over several weeks.  This method of drying the leaves ensures that the nicotine content is drawn and concentrated at the tips of the leaves.

Growing the delicate tobacco plants at high altitude brings a unique flavour to the tobacco leaves, as they can rest in the cool of the evening/nights and grow vigorously during the day in the intense sunlight and heat.

How is Dokha smoked?

Dokha is traditionally smoked through a Medwakh pipe, sometimes spelled Midwakh.  This style of pipe differs substantially from Western smoking pipes due to the uniqueness of the very small bowl which contains the tobacco.  Each pipe is hand carved from a single piece of wood like Briar wood that has been used for centuries to make Medwakh pipes.  Briar wood is strong, and Artisans sometimes engraves the stem of the pipe with local emblems such as the Hawk or Horse which are symbols of strength and hierarchy.

Nowadays Artisan craftsmen use a variety of materials such as animal bone, resin and aluminium and can often include precious stones.  There are thousands of styles to choose from, designed to be small and portable, making it easy to carry and smoke on-the-go.  The optimum length of a Medwakh is about 6 inches.  Whatever the length or design of your chosen Medwakh, the end result has to deliver a smooth invigorating smoke of Dokha tobacco.

Maintenance of your Medwakh Pipe

For a consistently fresh smoke, it is important to clean and maintain your Medwakh pipe regularly.  Cleaning your Medwakh ensures all stale tobacco flakes and excess tar is removed before re-filling your bowl with fresh Dokha, for a more pleasurable smoking experience.

Products for cleaning your Medwakh pipe

Enjoy Dokha have produced a cleaning product range which comprises everything you will need to keep your Medwakh pipe in tip top condition.

Here is a list of essential Medwakh cleaning products:

50pk or 100pk fabric pipe cleaners

Fabric pipe cleaners are designed to be pushed down the stem of your Medwakh pipe to get rid of residual tar and stale tobacco.

Single or 5pk bristle pipe cleaners

Bristle Medwakh pipe cleaners are a very functional piece of kit in that they do the same job as the fabric pipe cleaners above, however they can be washed in hot soapy water and when completely dry can be re-used.  Easy to carry in your Dokha pouch.

3 in 1 Metal Medwakh Pipe Cleaner

The 3 in 1 Metal Medwakh Pipe Cleaner is a no nonsense, no frills, yet very functional bit of kit.  No more and no less. It’s easy to clean all aspects of the 3 in 1 with hot soapy water – please ensure all of this tool is completely dry before re-use.  It’s something every Medwakh pipe user needs in their pouch as you’ll be using it all the time!  Extremely useful tool for cleaning the bowl of your pipe in particular.

2 in 1 Metal Medwakh Pipe Cleaner

This little ‘gem’ is strong so it will last a long time and is very portable and easily cleaned in hot soapy water for re-use (ensure completely dry before re-using).

These extremely useful little tools will fit into your Medwakh pouch to ensure you have a clean pipe when you are on the go….

Falcon pipe cleaning spray

Falcon Pipe Cleaner Spray 100ml is a high pressured air spray that will clean your Medwakh pipe and help to keep it in great condition.  Falcon Pipe Cleaner Spray clears and unblocks your Medwakh pipe within seconds and it is the most hygienic way to thoroughly clean and sterilise your Medwakh pipe.  By spraying the bowl of your Medwakh with Falcon Pipe Cleaner Spray, this action helps to remove stale tobacco and tar so your Medwakh pipe stays clean and fresh for a longer period. Please ensure that the bowl is completely dry before putting fresh Dokha in otherwise the flakes may stick to the sides of the bowl.

*** We are unable to deliver the Falcon Cleaning spray outside of Mainland Britain due to flight restrictions ***

How many Dokha blends are available as a cheaper alternative to cigarettes?

There are many different blends of Dokha tobacco available as a cheaper alternative to cigarettes. Each blend offering its own unique flavour and strength, with some blends being mild and smooth, while others are more robust and full-bodied. The flavour of each blend is influenced by the soil and climate in which the tobacco is grown, as well as the curing, grading and eventual shredding process.  The average cost of a single packet of 20 cigarettes is about £13 and Roll Your Own tobacco such as Amber Leaf or Golden Virginia costs on average £42 as at 2025 in the UK because of the extremely high taxes imposed by the Government.  On the other hand, although the taxes are equally high, a single 14g bottle of Dokha costing from between £15 to £25 per bottle contains approximately 150 smokes.  Immediately you can see the savings that can be made – more importantly you will smoke less Dokha than Cigarettes or Roll Your Own, simply because the ‘hit’ is more intense as you maybe smoke one bowlful per hour, whereas you might smoke 3 or 4 cigarettes in the same timeframe.  Also there is no residual smell clinging to your clothing and no butts!

To achieve a specific strength or flavour of a Dokha blend, the farmer will choose where he takes the leaves from the plant.  The very best leaves come from the top of the plant, however, to achieve a specific strength or blend the farmer will often mix the leaves from different parts of the plant. He may choose to use all of the leaves from the top of the plant to create a Premium medium blend, or he may decide to mix some of the top leaves with those at the bottom of the plant for an over-warm blend.  Equally he may decide to choose only the bottom and middle leaves to create his masterpiece of a Premium over-warm Medium blend.

Whatever blends eventually evolve, they have to be packaged and sold before the farmer can reap the rewards for all his hard labour in the heat of the sun – sometimes in conditions upwards of 40 degrees.

Customers who smoke Dokha on a regular basis choose Enjoy Dokha House Blends, both Standard House Blends and Premium House Blends due to their high quality and amazing ‘buzz’.  They will often purchase a branded pre-packaged Premium blend such as Scorpion or Trex but revert back to Enjoy Dokha’s ‘House’ blends as they perceive no difference in quality, apart from the price!

 Which Blend of Dokha should I choose?

When it comes to choosing any tobacco product, it is a very personal choice, however there are lots of exciting blends of Dokha to choose from, and we cover some of their distinctive qualities here so you can make an informed choice.  If you haven’t ever tried Arabic tobacco before, then we strongly suggest that you start with purchasing a Starter Kit that will give you everything you need for a great smoking experience, all in one place.

Enjoy Dokha standard ‘House’ blends – Cheaper Alternative to Cigarettes

Recommended Light Cold Dokha tobaccos for Beginners

ED Blue (Light)

Light cold


Enjoy Dokha Blue 500

Recommended Medium Dokha tobaccos for Regular Smokers

ED Gold (Medium)




Saffra (previously called Saffron)

Enjoy Dokha Gold 500

Recommended Hot Dokha tobaccos for Experienced (hardened) Smokers

ED Red (Hot)



Recommended Over-Warm tobaccos for Regular and Seasoned smokers alike


Silver 500

How and why is the Dokha tobacco graded?

Grading of the leaves is an important part of the process – where the leaves come from on the tobacco plant will ultimately give the farmer his different strengths of blends.

Dokha is graded into cold (Light or Blue), warm (Medium or Gold) and hot (Hot or Red) Dokha blends and variations of each – a little.

Light or Blue Dokha is usually the preference of beginners to smoking Dokha as these blends give the smoker a light, smooth smoke with an exhilarating ‘buzz’.

Medium or Gold Dokha is enjoyed by the ‘regular’ Dokha smoker, enjoying it at various times of the day, every day.

Hot or Red Dokha is normally the preserve of the experienced Dokha smoker and not for beginners or the feint hearted.  The reason we say this, is because it can be extremely hot on the ‘inhale’ so if you’re not used to it, could potentially deter you from smoking it.

Just because Hot or Red Dokha is very strong, it doesn’t necessarily give the smoker any bigger ‘buzz’ than the cooler smoother blends.

Take the easy route by choosing a Dokha Starter Kit

Bronze Dokha Starter Kit for Beginners

14g bottle of Dokha (you can choose – excludes Premium Dokha)

1 x pack of Filters (usually white)

25 Pipe Cleaners (white)

Standard Medwakh Pipe priced up to £24.50 (you can choose but excludes Premium Medwakhs)

Faux leather pouch (choose your colour – Black/Brown/Plum Red/Royal Blue/Green)

Silver Dokha Starter Kit for Regular Dokha Smokers

14g bottle of Dokha (you can choose – excludes Premium Dokha)

1 x pack of Filters (usually white)

25 Pipe Cleaners (white)

Standard Medwakh Pipe priced up to £24.50 (you can choose – excludes Premium Medwakh Pipes)

This kit includes 3 Samples (you can choose which samples you would like, including House Premium blends such as NDD, Maya, Mister, G65, however does NOT include pre-packaged Dokha such as Scorpion/Fadayee/Maxtime/Rabsha or Yousef Rida as these suppliers don’t provide us with samples.

Faux leather pouch (choose your colour – Black/Brown/Plum Red/Royal Blue/Green)

Gold Dokha Starter Kit for Regular Dokha Smokers

14g bottle of Dokha (you can choose – excludes Premium Dokha)

1 x pack of Filters (usually white)

25 Pipe Cleaners (white)

Standard Medwakh Pipe priced up to £24.50 (you can choose – excludes Premium Medwakhs)

This kit includes 5 Sample Bags (you can choose which samples you would like, including House Premium blends such as NDD, Maya, Mister, G65, however does NOT include pre-packaged Dokha such as Scorpion/Fadayee/Maxtime/Rabsha or Yousef Rida.

Faux leather pouch (choose your colour – Black/Brown/Plum Red/Royal Blue/Green)

Platinum Dokha Starter Kit for Regular Dokha Smokers 

14g bottle of Dokha (you can choose – excludes Premium Dokha)

9g bottle of Dokha (you can choose – excludes Premium Dokha)

2 x packs of Filters (choose white / black)

50 pack of Pipe Cleaners (white)

1 x Bristle Pipe Cleaner (can be washed in soapy water for further use)

Standard Medwakh Pipe up to the value of £24.50 (you can choose – excludes Premium Medwakhs)

This kit includes 5 Samples (you can choose which samples you would like, including House Premium blends such as NDD, Maya, Mister, G65, however does NOT include pre-packaged Dokha such as Scorpion/Fadayee/Maxtime/Rabsha or Yousef Rida.

Faux leather pouch (choose your colour – Black/Brown/Plum Red/Royal Blue/Green)

Economical 25ml / 9g Dokha Starter Kits – Just in case you’re not sure

The 9g Starter Kits are specifically designed for portability so will easily fit into your coat pocket/briefcase or handbag. Whichever 9g Kit you decide on, the contents are exactly as listed below and cannot be changed.

Blue Dokha Starter Kit (Cold/Blue Light Dokha)

9g bottle of Enjoy Dokha Blue (commonly known as ED Blue)

1 x pack of filters (usually white)

25 pipe cleaners (white)

Standard Medwakh pipe

Faux leather pouch (Black)

Gold Dokha Starter Kit (Medium/Gold Dokha)

9g bottle of Enjoy Dokha Gold (commonly known as ED Gold)

1 x pack of filters (usually white)

25 pipe cleaners (white)

Standard Medwakh pipe

Faux lather pouch (Brown)

Red Dokha Starter Kit (Hot/Red Dokha)

9g bottle of Enjoy Dokha Red (commonly known as ED Red)

1 x pack of filters (usually white)

25 pipe cleaners (white)

Standard Medwakh pipe

Faux leather pouch (Plum Red)

Premium top quality pre-packaged Dokha

Apart from the Starter Kits that we have described above, there are lots of pre-packaged Premium blends on offer with Enjoy Dokha.

Brands that are well known throughout the UAE such as Scorpion Blue/Gold/Red or blends from the Abu Mohammed stable, under the brand name of Fadayee – blends like Premium 1, 2 and 3. Their Gold 1, 2 and 3 are also very popular with our customers.

Maxtime is a little known independent supplier, however their Blue/Yellow and Red blends are equally as popular as the more established brand names in the UAE, in particular their Gold 50 which flies off the shelves.

Rabsha Gold and Rabsha Red is another small independent that is gaining in popularity.

Yousef Rida (sometimes spelled Yousif Redha) is an established brand across the UAE simply because they have been operating within the UAE for longer than most of the other suppliers.  Generally speaking their Blue 50/Gold 50 are the most popular blends, although they have a Black Half Half  and a Green 50 gaining in popularity.

Enjoy Dokha Premium Dokha

Without a shadow of doubt, Enjoy Dokha have surprised the overall market, taking top position particularly in the UK and the USA.  Enjoy Dokha pay particular attention to detail and our Customer Service cannot be surpassed.  We regularly visit the farms that supply our blends, so we have forged great relationships with the local farmers who care so much about the traditions behind the sewing and growing methods employed to ensure such great blends.  They also acknowledge  that Enjoy Dokha can provide a wider audience for their superlative products.


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