Enjoy Dokha

Fadayee Pink 1 Dokha – 50ml / 13g

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Fadayee Pink 1 Dokha

Fadayee Pink 1 Dokha is made up of the top and middle leaves of tobacco which receives a lot of sunlight which qualifies it as high quality Doha tobacco.

Why choose Fadayee Pink 1?

  • strength – Medium warm
  • finely cut leaves
  • burns smoothly and not too harsh on the throat
  • warm strong ‘buzz’
  • bottle size 50ml / 13gram – easy to hold
  • 100-150 smokes per bottle

The Fadayee Pink 1 is classed as a Medium Warm Dokha – not over warm on the inhale to give a smooth smoke every time and packed full of flavour.

Fadayee Pink 1 gives you a very well balanced smoke.  Its a medium warm blend so won’t be too harsh on your throat allowing you to get a huge hit and very satisfying buzz every time.  This is a great Dokha tobacco and is another very popular Fadayee blend.
If you are familiar with Enjoy Dokha, then you will already know that we take great pride in our service and the high quality blends of Dokha that we supply.  The Fadayee Pink 1 is no exception to that rule and has been quality checked and hand picked for our customers’ satisfaction.

Unlike most tobaccos on the market, the tobacco used in the manufacture and production of Fadayee Pink 1 Dokha is not fire cured and cut, it is dried in the arid desert region where it is originally grown and nurtured.  To preserve the original flavour of the tobacco’s strength and freshness it has a finely cut Dokha.

Our simple strategy – we won’t sell it if we don’t love it, and we love Fadayee Pink 1.

If the Fadayee Pink 1 Dokha blend is not what you are looking for, you could always try Fadayee Pink 3 or take the time to check out some of our other Medium warm Dokha blends such as Bushab or G65 or Sultan, for example.

At Enjoy Dokha, we are proud to bring you many different exciting blends including Abu Mohammed/Fadayee, however, we also bring to market iconic suppliers like Yousef Rida, Rabsha, Max Time and Scorpion Dokha as well as our own Enjoy Dokha blends from the local farms. Everything is imported by us directly from various sources in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and the Middle East. Our selection process was not easy as many Dokha blends and Medwakh Pipes just simply did not meet our consistently high standards.

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