Enjoy Dokha

Dokha 500 Blends

June 17, 2020

Our customers are impressed with the NEW Dokha 500 blends.

Enjoy Dokha is known for its innovative approach to the Dokha industry – walking through our Dokha fields, we love nothing more than to touch the luscious leaves of the tender Arabic tobacco plants, not only to touch, but to see with our own eyes the quality of the leaves, and to smell the truly fresh, top quality tobacco which we use to produce our great Dokha blends.

These superior blends are our way of disrupting the competition – these blends are not just any old Dokha, we have ensured that the very best irrigation systems are in place to support these fabulous tobacco plants.  We also ensure that the tobacco plants are harvested at the right time to maintain the green/brown coloration of the natural plant which affects the nicotine content and hence the ‘Buzz’ that Dokha is so famous for.

There is nothing added or taken away from the plants – no pesticides, herbicides or heavy metals are used in the soil to impair the taste of our great Dokha in any way.  The drying process of the tobacco is also overseen, as is the handling of the end product.  Hygiene, during the handling of the dried leaves, is of the utmost importance.   The eventual bottling and labelling process and the dispatch of the products to our customers is also quality controlled.

Traditionally Dokha (Arabic tobacco) is not dry cured and cut, but left to dry in the arid desert regions of the UAE.  Dokha blends are typically classified as Cold (Light), Warm (Medium) or Hot Dokha. Choosing Hot Dokha does not mean the strongest Dokha in terms of the ‘Buzz’ – it simply means it is a little more harsh on your throat….

With all new labelling and packaging, Enjoy Dokha’s new Dokha 500 Blends – Blue 500, Gold 500 and Silver 500 will stand out from the crowd….

We will also soon be introducing a new bigger bottle – approximately 70g, which will come with a free small 50ml / 14g bottle so you can keep your Dokha as fresh as the day you bought it. This approach helps us to get rid of ‘single use plastic‘ as we are trying to move towards being a more eco friendly business.  It’s easier to carry a smaller bottle in your Dokha pouch, together with your favourite Medwakh pipe and filters.

Bringing the Dokha 500 blends to our platform doesn’t mean that any of the other blends, which we also bring to the market are any less superior, however we have to keep pace with our customers’ wishes to refresh our blends from time to time, without throwing the baby out with the bath water!

We are simply miles ahead of our competitors as it is, however, with the Dokha 500 range of exciting new blends added to our website, they will have a lot of catching up to do…

You, our customers, are our main focus when reviewing where next to innovate across our platform, so if you have any suggestions as to how we can achieve an even better service for you, we are always here to listen…


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