100 Medwakh Pipe Cleaners
100 Medwakh Pipe Cleaners – now available from Enjoy Dokha.
There are a number of different options for cleaning your Medwakh pipe, however, Enjoy Dokha recommend these simple fabric cleaners. They can be pushed down the shaft of your Medwakh and twisted around to clean out old tar and residual stale tobacco. Performing this manoeuvre ensures you always have a fresh Medwakh each and every time you smoke Dokha.
These Pipe Cleaners are an essential piece of kit – double the quantity of our normal 50 pack of Medwakh Pipe cleaners – a more economic purchase saves money and ensures you are less lightly to run out when you need them most….
If you are using a pipe cleaning spray to clean your Medwakh pipe, Enjoy Dokha recommends that you first use one of your 100 Medwakh Pipe Cleaners to get the excess tar and stale tobacco out first. That will ensure that all sooty deposits have been removed for a fresher smell and fresher taste of your Dokha….
Check our our Dokha Accessories page for other essential bits of kit you might like to try to complete your Dokha experience. We have lovely new colourful 100% genuine leather pouches, for example, which will hold your 50ml / 14gram bottle of Dokha plus your box of filters, together with your Medwakh Pipe and of course your Pipe Cleaners.
If you are looking for a novel way to use these pipe cleaners Enjoy Dokha sell them by the ‘bucket load’ to be incorporated into the making of face masks for Coronavirus. As they are ‘bendy’ they are used for over the nose to ensure that the face mask fits snugly in that area…
Once you have chosen 100 pack of pipe cleaners we are sure you won’t want to revert back to using the 50 pack version – what you might have difficulty doing is choosing a great Dokha blend and Medwakh pipe to smoke it through – our advice – have a look at the many blends we have on offer, together with the sleek Medwakhs with lots of design style….
Enjoy Dokha offer speedy shipping solutions too – we mostly use Fedex or DHL when shipping around the world. DPD or Royal Mail come in handy within the UK and Europe.
Whatever product you choose to purchase from our website, we are confident you will receive your order speedily every time you place an order. On the odd occasion parcels get caught up in the Customs of their individual country, however we can usually resolve any issues quickly, as we have fostered a great relationship with all of the courier companies that we use.
The delivery options may change for National Holidays or Festival Season around the globe, such as Easter or Christmas…