250ml (5 x 50ml) Haar Dokha
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Haar Dokha originates from Fujairah in the UAE
250ml / 70grams (5 x 50ml / 14g) Haar Dokha is slightly more coarsely chopped Arabic tobacco, and when smoked, burns smoothly to give a hot and strong buzz. The word Haar refers to a mist or fog – perhaps symbolic of exhaling Haar Dokha…
Why buy Haar Dokha – 250ml / 70gram?
- strong hot blend – strong on the inhale and exhale – for seasoned smokers only
- bottle size 250ml / 70g (5 X 50ml / 14g bottles) – a more economic purchase
- coarse cut leaves ensures a strong Dokha
- also available in 25ml / 9g or 50ml / 14g bottles
Any product Enjoy Dokha stock is quality checked, before offering it to our customers and the Haar Dokha blend is a good blend if you are a seasoned smoker – definitely not recommended for beginners – with no exceptions! A completely natural and pure Arabic tobacco with nothing added or taken away, the Haar Dokha is a great blend if you want a kick ass smoking experience…
You can check out reviews on our website for peace of mind when purchasing from Enjoy Dokha, and also check out reviews on the Haar Dokha.
All online purchases are processed with SagePay because they support a secure portal – we accept major credit and debit cards.
If hot Dokha is your thing, then Enjoy Dokha suggest that you check out some of the other hotter blends on our platform such as Achilles, Ayub, Bushab, ED Red or VOD – VOD has been described as ‘smoking the Sun’
If you are sensible, you can always try slightly less harsh Dokha from suppliers such as Yousef Rida, Fadayee, Scorpion, Rabsha, Max Time and Enjoy Dokha’s own medium/premium blends – you can trust the quality of all of the many different and exciting blends we have on offer as we import directly from various sources in Dubai, United Arab Emirates including the local farms.

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